Week 8 Extra Reading Krishna Defender of Dharma Part C

I did the Reading for Week 10 which has the first two parts of Krishna Defender of Dharma Part A and Part B. Click on the links provided and it should take you to the notes about those. I have not done the extra credit reading for Week 8, so Part C will be going towards that. The story picks up with Krishna and Balarama completing their education and a new enemy emerges, Jarasandha, the father of both of Kansa's wife. It is crazy to think both sisters ended up marrying Kansa. Jarasandha and his allies are getting ready to attack Mathura, so Krishna surprisingly suggests that the people of Mathura should run away. A demon looking creature Kalayavana chases Krishna around the world trying to kill Krishna. It is comedic seeing the various environments drawn out within the graphic novel showing Krishna running away. Krishna lured Kalayavana to a cave where a sage, Muchunkunda, who slept endlessly rested. However, Kalayavana woke up Muchunkunda and the sage was upset instantly killing Kalayavana.  Jarasanha reached the gates of the city Mathura to find no one there. He is annoyed to see that no one is there to fight. 
There is also a love interest for Krishna. Rukmini gave her heart away to Krishna, but she was to be married to another, so Krishna helped her by taking her away on a carriage. However, this angered Rukmini's brother, Rukmin, and he vowed to kill Krishna. Rukmin failed to kill Krishna and as a punishment, Krishan cut off half of Rukmin's hair. 
The next part of the graphic novel involves the story with the Pandavas, Krishna's cousins, and the Kauravas. The fight between Bheema(one of the Pandava brothers) and Jarasandha was interesting. Jarasandha's body kept tearing apart, but eventually Bheema kept Jarasandha's body separated by throwing it in opposite directions. 
This is Krishna and Rukmini riding away on the chariot. Source: Wikimedia
Bibliography: Shweta Taneja, Krishna Defender of Dharma 


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