Week 5 Story: Sita

Many centuries ago, there existed a young woman by the name of Sita. Her parents asked the gods for a child, and the gods blessed them with her. She was found within the Earth, and her parents knew from the moment they saw her, that she would be a blessing. As Sita grew older she constantly hung around her sister, Umila, and her cousins. When she became of age to marry, her father began looking for a suitable man for her. A young man by the name of Rama was perfect for Sita. He was strong and wise beyond his years. Thus, Sita and Rama became married.

However, due to the selfishness of Queen Kaikeyi, Rama was forced to go into the wilderness for 14 years, due to a promise his father made with Queen Keikeyi. Therefore, Sita sacrificed her comfort and went into the wilderness with Rama, for she wanted to remain with her husband. Lakshmana, Rama's younger brother joined both, for he supported Rama,

Within the wilderness, they encountered many challenges, yet they were able to make it through unharmed. However, one event occurred that turned the tide. One morning, Sita saw a golden deer with the sun beaming down on its beautiful fur. Sita wanted to keep the deer as a pet, yet it ran away. Therefore, Rama went to get the deer. After a while Sita felt as if it was a trap; therefore, she told Lakshmana to go after Rama and help him in case there was any trouble. Lakshmana left a barrier to protect Sita from danger. Unfortunately, Sita saw an elderly man who was hungry; therefore, she crossed the barrier and gave him food. However, it was a trick and the elderly man was no one other than Ravana. 

Ravana kidnapped Sita and took her back to his kingdom. He wanted to wed her, but she refused because she loved Rama. Thus, Ravana made a proposal: Sita would have a year to marry him, and if not he would kill her. After many months of loneliness and despair, Sita almost killed herself. However, she heard news that Rama would be there to free her. However, Ravana also found out as well. Ravana prepared himself for battle and met Rama out on the field. Ravana also brought Sita, so she could watch the death of her husband. 

Ravana and Rama began to fight. Ravana had multiple heads and each head tried to bite off the limbs of Rama. Rama dodged all the heads and began cutting them off. However, every time he cut off a head another one grew back. Rama then remembered that Ravana's weakness was in his abdomen, so Rama began shooting arrows at the abdomen of Ravana. Ravana quickly noticed that and sought to end the battle quickly. He then punched Rama, throwing Rama on the ground. Ravana picked up his sword, walked toward Rama, ready to finish his kill. However, Sita quickly ran in front of Rama separating him and Ravana. 

"I will not let you do any more harm to my love, Rama." cried Sita.

"Move out the way peasant woman, you are weak, you are small, and you are foolish. To die for your husband is worthless, when you could have had me." said Ravana. 

A spark then flared within Sita.

"I am not weak! I have endured your torment, your foolishness, and have been in your captivity for almost of year. I have had no one with me but you demons. I am as strong as an earthquake and stand tall like a mountain, for I am the daughter of the Earth." said Sita. 

Sita had planned to be between Ravana and Rama, for she was able to pick up Rama's arrow. She then pierced the abdomen of Ravana with the arrow killing him.

"You foolish woman....." said Ravana faintly,

"If I am a foolish woman, then you must be an even more foolish man." proudly stated Sita.

The Earth began to open behind Ravana. Sita walked forward and pushed Ravana into the hole of the Earth. Thus, the Earth swallowed the dead corpse of Ravana. 

"My wife, you are more powerful than I expected. You defeated Ravana. You truly are the daughter of the Earth." said Rama. 
This is a picture of Sita. Source: Wikipedia

Note: My inspiration for my story was the graphic novel, "Sita; Daughter of the Earth", by Saraswati Nagpal. The graphic novel specifically focused on the point of view of Sita. Therefore, I wanted to do something similar and focus mainly on Sita. By reading the novel I got a sense that Sita had the potential to be more powerful than she was portrayed. Therefore, I made some change. I tried to keep all aspects of the novel pretty similar but extremely condensed, while changing the battle with Ravana. Rather than have Rama save her, I really wanted Sita to have a moment to shine. She was captured by Ravana and I wanted him to die by her doing, not Rama's. Therefore, I thought it was a great idea to have Sita stand between Rama and Ravana before Rama was going to die by the hands of Ravana and use the opportunity she had to eliminate Ravana.

Bibliography: "Sita; Daughter of the Earth", by Saraswati Nagpal. 


  1. Wow! That was some powerful Sita stuff right there. I really like the summary you provided about the story of Sita from the epic. I was not expecting that turn towards the end. One of the things that I did not like about the Ramayana was the doubt that was casted on Sita after Ravana is defeated. Sita killing Ravana is definitely a cool ending to the story and the epic.


  2. Hi Carlo! Great story! Throughout this class I have read many stories about sita, but I can say for sure your's is one of my favorites. I like the detail you go into about it. I almost thought you were one of the original writers of the Ramayana! My favorite part was the diologue you use when Sita says she won;t get married! You have such a way with words that shows the passion Sita was using when telling him he wouldn't marry her!


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