Week 3 Story: Kooni's Origin

*Note* I have an updated version of my story for my Portfolio on: Carlo's Epics of India

"What a freak!"
"What an ugly hunchback!"
"No one will ever love her."
These were the words Kooni heard everyday since her birth. Her own parents did not even want her. Her deformities were too much to handle. Therefore, they dumped her in the Ganges. However, a lovely elderly lady found the baby left in the Ganges and picked her up and raised her.
This is how Kooni wished she looked growing up during her childhood. Source: Cliparts

One day, Kooni was out playing when she heard this huge announcement. The King, Darsatha was arriving to their town. He was bringing his beautiful wife Kaikeyi, and their son Bharatha. Kooni and the rest of the townsfolk gasped in awe, as they saw the king and his family dressed in elegance. They were coming right in her direction.

"Get out the way you stupid hunchback."
"Just let them run her over, it would do us all a favor."
"Maybe if they hit her she will look more attractive."

Bharatha heard this mean words and got down from their ride. Bharatha was enraged that the people were treating her with such disrespect. Kaikeyi looked down at the girl with favor, she saw something special within Kooni. She thought Kooni would serve useful possibly as one her maids. It would be a step up from the town she currently lived in.

"What is your name?" asked Bharatha.
"My name is Kooni," said Kooni. 
"Come join us Kooni, I will not take no for an answer!" said Bharatha.
"Oh my, are you sure?" said Kooni.

Kooni rode with the royal family until they reached their destination. It is at their destinatio that Kooni was able to eat dinner with the family and talk to them. It felt like a dream to Kooni. Then Kaikeyi asked Kooni an important question. She was wondering if Kooni would want to possibly be a maid for her. She favored Kooni and thought that being a maid would be a grand step from the lifestyle that she was currently living. Kooni was excited and told them she would love to; however, she had to ask the elderly lady who took her in, for she was all the family Kooni had. 

The elderly lady who took Kooni in as a baby granted her permission to leave. She was so happy for Kooni and knew great things awaited her. As the royal family prepared to leave Kooni left with them. The only person who ever loved Kooni was the elderly lady. However, Kooni found love in new people, including Kaikeyi and Bharatha. This love she felt for Bharatha was a dangerous love, that in the future will play out to cause much commotion. 

Author's Note: I thought I would focus on Part B reading; however, I wanted to expand on Kooni. I felt like she was a minor character, yet she plays such a large role within the story. The events may not have played out the way they have if Kooni had not convinced Kaikeyi to get Bharatha on the throne rather than Rama. Kooni has so much potential character development especially since there is not a lot of information about her. Narayan does a great job portraying Kooni and I use the descriptions provided by Narayan to form Kooni into who I believe she is. 

Bibliography: R. K. Narayan, Ramayana 


  1. Hey Carlo,

    I really liked your story, it was very unique. I agree that we don't get much information about Kooni from the Ramayana and all that we know about her is that she turned Kaikeyi's mind against Rama becoming king. From your story it makes sense why Kooni would have more favoritism towards Bharatha and Kaikeyi. Overall, really good job!

  2. I like your take on Kooni, she’s a character we don’t know much about. I like how she is introduced to Bharatha, it sort of helps us in understanding why she brainwashed Kaikeyi and begins to paint her as an at heart good individual even when she may not be due to her horrible upbringing. In the Ramayana she’s such an important influencer...

  3. Lets pretend that I not only fall in love with Bharatha, but he also falls in love with me. The culture might not accept us, but we wouldn't care. After all, I am used to people treating me poorly. We could run away and live a life away from all the mean souls who slander us. Better yet, we could fight against this social injustice. Bharatha's father, Dasharatha is the king and I am sure he loves his son. Dasharatha could give a speech infront of all of Ayodhya informing the people that hunchbacks deserve to be treated like everyone else.
    Even if my dream of being seen as equal does not come true, living as a servant of Kaikeyi is better than the life I am living now. I could still observe Bharatha from a far which might be okay. I am very thankful that Kaikeyi has treated me with kindness, but I hope she comes to find out that I am more than just a servant girl.


  4. Hi Carlo!
    I loved your story so much. It was so sweet and had such a good ending for Kooni. I felt so bad for her in the beginning but was so happy when Bharata and Kaikeyi took her in so willingly. I also love that you decided to write a story on characters that we aren't super familiar with; it was definitely refreshing to read one that I didn't know exactly what was going on.


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