Week 2: Reading Notes Anthology

"The Crocodile and the Monkey's Heart" is an interesting story. The reading involves the monkey outwitting the crocodile. The crocodile is ignorant not knowing that hearts are solely found within the body of monkeys. Within my story I would like to use the concept of trickery that is found within this story. I have noticed within quite a few mythology stories a common theme among them is the use of trickery and deceit. I would love to incorporate those themes into my story that I will create. I do like how the story takes place in a forest by a river. I may incorporate that type of environment into the story I am creating. Overall, I think I am going to use the theme of trickery for my story.              
A cartoon image of the story involving the monkey and crocodile. Source: Moral Stories 

My favorite story that I read form the anthology is "Goblin City". I love the idea of having shape shifting creatures such as the rakshashis. The idea of men being tricked by the shapeshifters was interesting to me. I took special note that the shapeshifter goblins hate the water, which can be used to create quite an interesting story. Possibly the goblins demise in my story may be due to the water. One thing I would like to change about the story is the fairy coming in to save the stranded men. I wish there was more development about the fairy and who she was. Maybe I may add that. However, I think I will use the sailors within my story to use their slyness in order to trick the shape shifting goblins. One thing I really thought was creative was the use of italicizing the shapeshifting goblins words and the use of rhyming when the goblins spoke. I may have a fun time creating rhymes. Overall, this was my favorite story from all the one's I have read. I had no idea that goblin like creatures existed with the Indian myths. I am curious to find out more about these creatures and other creatures found throughout the various Indian myths I will be reading.

Bibliography: Marie L. Shedlock. "The Crocodile and the Monkey's Heart" 
W.H.D. Rouse. "Goblin City" 


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