Topic Brainstorm

Reincarnation. The topic of reincarnation would be a possible one I would write about. I know the very basics involving reincarnation, but within the myths there are deeper elements to the topic of reincarnation. Dying and being born again into another human or creature has also peaked my interest. It is interesting to learn through the wheel of samsara that people are reborn until they have achieved the ultimate spiritual development. Source: MythEncyclopedia

Gods and Goddesses. Another interesting topic to write about would be about the gods and goddesses found within the epics of India. Through study of the Norse gods I have come to appreciate the Norse myths better. Hopefully as I learn more about the gods within the epic Indian literature I can further understand and appreciate the myths and culture surrounding the various gods and goddesses. A few gods and goddesses I could write about include Vishnu, Indra, and Shiva. Source: BlogSpot

Asuras and Devas. Another interesting topic would be to cover the categorization of the supernatural beings within the Indian myths. The supernatural beings are categorized into groups such as the Asuras and the Devas. It would be interesting to see why certain supernatural beings are put into a certain category. It would be interesting to see how overtime theses categories have changed. 
Source: Wikipedia Asuras and Devas

Weapon of the gods. Another interesting topic would involve the weapon of the gods. I think it would be interesting to find out how the god used their specific weapon to aid them in battle and what type of weapons did the gods use. The weapons could have aided the gods with additional power. It would be interesting to find out if it was possible for an ordinary person to possess the weapon of the gods. A weapon I would like to focus on would be Shiva's Trishula. It would be interesting to find the story behind the weapon. Source: Wikipedia
Statue of Shiva holding the Trishula in Delhi. Source Wikipedia


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