Favorite Place: Germany

My favorite place is where I dream to visit in the near future. Germany has been a home to me for various years throughout my childhood. My childhood in Germany was filled with endless forests, crazy friends, and amazing food. From the beautiful scenery to the fun festivals I will never forget the wonderful years I have lived in Germany.

First, the food in Germany was amazing. The currywurst and other German dishes were incredible to me. I remember memories of going to the mall in Ansbach, Germany called the Bruken-Center and going to a pretzel stand where they would have the most delicious pretzels. There were many immigrants traveling to Germany bringing their various cultures along as well. Various Turkish people would have stands out serving foods such as Doner Kebabs which were my favorite.

I also loved exploring Germany. Since I was younger at the time, I do not fully remember all the destinations we went to in Germany, but I have recollections of the fun times I have experienced. One of my favorite sites to see in Germany was the Neuschwanstein Castle. I thought the castle was incredible and I wanted to live in that castle as a child. Seeing that place truly felt magical and unforgettable. I also loved playing in the forests in Germany with my friends. Groups of us would play manhunt in the forests and build forts from the branches that fell from the giant trees in Germany.

Germany is a beautiful country and of course my favorite place; however, what made Germany my favorite place was the wonderful memories I made with my friends and family. My best friend is still in Germany waiting for me to visit again. I would love to go back to Germany to visit where we used to live and see the beautiful environment. My memories as a child might have enhanced what I thought Germany was, yet as an adult I can not wait to travel back to see if Germany was truly as beautiful as I remembered it to be.

This is the Neuschwanstein Castle I visited in southwest Bavaria, Germany.


  1. Oh, I hope you will get to go back to Germany again soon, Carlo! And the way you were able to enjoy Kebabs thanks to the Turkish vendors there reminds me of how much I enjoyed all the Indian food in England, where there are so many people from India and Pakistan living there. :-)


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